come let us Sing like Little Children to Jesus Today

boy-worshipping11This morning Winnie and i wanted to sing a song like little children. Well it is no really singing like little children but God wants us to come to him with childlike faith and worship Him. Here is the song below. So easy yet very POWERFUL – Go today wherever you are and start singing this song, on the bus, on the train, at you work place and you will be amazed what these words can do to other around you.

Have a blessed day with Jesus

Here is the song and also a nice video to sing along with

the word love can be changed to “praise” or “worship” or as you led by the Holy Spirit as you sing

I love you Jesus
Deep down in my heart
I love you Jesus
Deep down in my heart

Talk about deep, deep, down, down,
Deep down in my heart
Talk about deep, deep, down, down,
Deep down in my heart

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